Holistic Healing

Are you living a life of mediocrity? Do you yearn for more in your personal, professional or relationship life. Discover your purpose, ignite your passion and empower your actions to move forward in life in a positive way! Life is too short to live a life unfulflled. Life Coaching can put you on the right path with customized sessions utilizing personalized action plans and strategies to keep you focused on achieving your goals.
Do you have fears, phobias, traumas or negative habits?...Do you feel stressed? Overwhelmed? Do you want to quit smoking? Lose weight?...then Hypnotherapy can bring you a new lease on life! Create new behaviour patterns that support healthy living, improve confidence, release stress and improve all aspects of your life.
Are you experiencing fatigue? Do you have difficulty sleeping? Do you suffer from PMS? Skin problems? Digestion difficulties? Many of these symptoms are related to nutritional deficiencies and can be addressed with the correct eating and supplement plan. An Holistic Nutrition Consultation and Iridology analysis can give you the information and recommendations you need to provide vibrant physical health. A variety of Holistic Therapies are available.
Are you struggling with an important decision? Are you experiencing grief? Are you experiencing difficulty with relationships? A Psychic Intuitive Consultation can provide gentle guidance and insight to help provide a deeper understanding of your soul patterns and support your personal growth.
About Cheryle's Services
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