Client Feedback

“Cheryle’s ultra-relaxing hypnotherapy healing exceeded my expectations on all levels. Every aspect of my wellbeing has increased in such positive ways. Thank you for your intuition, wisdom, insight, kindness and understanding. Namaste." -  D.G. Calgary
"A month ago I was lost and struggling with my relationship with food.  I have always let food control my life and no matter what I did I would constantly lose weight and then binge and put it back on. The dreaded yo yo dieting was my life.  I decided that enough was enough and I found Cheryle online and thought it was time to take control and get on track for good.  Through a few sessions and a lot of self-love, she has helped me learn that food does not control me and I’ve found the balance that was needed. Thank you Cheryle, you are a kind soul and a gifted woman.” - D.K., Calgary

Update from D.K. - "Cheryle, I just wanted to say thank you so much for all your help. I've finally got a handle on my self worth and food and love myself. I couldn't have done this without you and am now 2 weeks out from my first competition!!!  You're a big part of my journey and I love you for it." - D.K., Calgary


"I have had the absolute pleasure working with Cheryle for many years, both personally and professionally. I love the fact that she is warm, compassionate and highly intuitive. Cheryle has the heightened awareness and capability to see the big picture and her gifted wisdom gently guides you with action steps to your goal and big dreams. I cherish her brilliant soulful work and I know you will greatly benefit from it as much as I have." - V.W., Halifax, Nova Scotia


"Hypnosis allowed me to tap into the strength I already had and successfully quit smoking.   Though there was some of the “normal” withdrawal symptoms such as the cravings, these were addressed in each session to help quitting be as effortless as possible.  Cheryle made each session relaxing and positive so that I left feeling that I would “win” against smoking!  After just three hypnosis sessions I was smoke free! I’m still smoke free and loving it!" - R.M., Calgary
"My waters stayed intact the whole time! I was so grateful. I used your hypnosis CD for the first 3 hours of my 6 hour labour. It was a HUGE help! I did great visualizations of my cervix opening & trusting my body and all the great messages we prepared with. Everytime a contraction hit I would just get absorbed by the CD. It was amazing what a help it was to focus on that. The pain was entirely manageable right through until my midwife convinced me to break my water when I was nearly fully dilated. I only pushed for 13 minutes before Lily was born! I wanted to thank you so much because I really felt the hypnosis we did along with the CD you made for me truly made this labour a more beautiful experience!" - D.F. Calgary

"I wanted to THANK you for all great work and positive changes I experienced, especially after our last session, when my past life regression brought to the surface one of my biggest fears. As crazy as this sounds my fear is really gone. I'm sure you knew this would happen, but for me this is an incredible manifestation of how our subconscious mind works, and how little it needs for healing "old" issues that affect our present lives. This tremendous improvement changed not only my life, but also my children. I no longer worry myself sick over their safety, nor do imagine terrible case scenarios that were part of my daily life. My children have my trust now and freedom to be independent, making decisions, taking their lives in their own hands, learning how to handle it, and staying on their own spiritual paths. The difference is so amazing that now my younger one walks home from school and I am busy doing other things at home until the doorbell rings. That was totally impossible in the past; they could never walk home by themselves! I finally have a peace of mind and this fear does not paralyze my life any longer. I could not be more grateful for your help." - M.R. Calgary       

"I started seeing Cheryle six weeks ago, hoping to find a solution to my constant eating and low energy. Cheryle is easy to talk to, she could relate to my bad habits, and I felt better already after the first session. It took only a session or two more, before she had gotten to the root of my over-eating. Having just finished my sixth session I am positively surprised by how my energy has increased, I enjoy going to the gym on a regular basis, my job, and my house work seems a lot easier. And I am losing weight without feeling deprived. Choosing healthier food rather than junk comes naturally now. It feels so very good both mentally and physically to be looking after myself again.
Thanks for all your help, Cheryle." - I.M., Calgary
"I came to see Cheryle about my long-term stress.  I have never been to a hypnotherapist before so I was quite nervous and not entirely certain that I could be hypnotized, let alone see any changes from such a treatment. Cheryle went out of her way to ensure that I was comfortable during our sessions and was completely relaxed. As for results, I have been able to stay calm during situations where I would normally have hit 'instant panic mode'.  Cheryle also gave me some techniques to do at home and these have been excellent tools to help me cope with day-to-day stressful situations.
Thank you!" - C.C., Calgary
"Thank you so much for performing hypnosis with me. It was and has been a very positive experience. I have noticed a HUGE difference, and my riding coach repeatedly comments on how it is nice that I seem to be finally getting it.  The progression my horse and I have made since I saw you has been remarkable. We went to a show in Red Deer for the Sept long weekend and every day, every class was an improvement from the class before. It was very, very cool! " - K.I., Calgary
"I can't thank you enough. Matthew is really becoming so much more self confident & enjoying his life so much more.  Even the small things that most people think wouldn't be a big thing, for example going out & riding his bike with his brother & his friends, he has never done that before.  He is becoming so much more independent & relaxed. One of the first things that a friend of mine noticed was his eye contact when speaking to people. She couldn't believe how happy and talkative he was. I have noticed a big decrease in his hand motions. He enjoys doing things now and playing and laughing. There have been so many positive things happening with Matthew that I can't even list them all. He is getting along with his brothers like I have never seen before. He has expressed to me how good he's feeling. Thank you so much."

C.F., High River  


"Hi Cheryle, I just received my results to my exam, and now I am a Certified Power Engineer. Thank you  for all the tools and wisdom that you passed on to me. I was able to stay focused and committed on the goal I was reaching for. From this past experience, I gained self-confidence and motivation to continue on to other dreams." - A.W., Calgary






